Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Garage space!

I have been clearing out and selling stuff from the garage, the wifes MK1 golf is now in there with it's arse end up on axle stands. I am trying to sort out the fuel pump and stumbled at the main preasure pump hurdle. The unit I thought was correct turns out to be far too large to fit anywher under the car that's safe. So I have cut off the filter mount and also removed the overly large bracket. I just need to find the best location to mount this smaller unit. I have also managed to find the engine number, but in doing so have found that there is some damage to the water manifold on the end of the engine that may prevent it from sealing on refiting.

The Galaxy has been fine, now had it over a year!

The Sapphire has had the headlamp washers trial fitted and 1 or two other items located. once the Golf is sorted she will be squeezed into the garage.

The Pugwagen has done nothing. Although I am trying to win a GTI interiro from a MK2 on EBAY.

The Mondeo, Soldiers on. I have the parts to fix the blower. I need to book an MOT.

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