Saturday, December 19, 2009

Car26 XR4x4 TwinTurbo

The latest addition to the fleet is the Sierra XR4x4.

It's got what I think is a 225BHP Turbo Technics Kit.

Bought unseen, it needs a fair bit of work if it's going to get back on the road. But it should be fun when it's done.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Little steps....

This evening I dashed out to the wifes MK1 golf.and loosened off the rear beam mounting bolts ( often a source of major anoyance ) and the fuel tank straps in a stunning 30 minuets including moving some tools, starting up the sapphire and jacking up the back end of the golf..

I am also onto another couple of ideas..

Idea 1...

I am bidding on an XR4x4 Twin Turbo.... YAAHHHHHHHHHH..........

Idea 2...

After me and my 5.5yr old watched "A Car Is born" my interest in building a Lotus 7 Replica has been very rekindled.. A Project for the two of us ;)


Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Fixed one, another damaged

Well the mondeo was sorted with a new set of plugs which turned out to be an easy job. She had a flat battery the other day which was a surprise.. But at least she runs ok.

I have a full top end gasket set so I can clean up the top end inlet parts.

The wifes MK1 golf was raped to provid ignition parts for a M8's stricken POLO.. So it needs a couple of bits.

And some nasty person has damaged the door on the galaxy cracking the paint finish, it must have flexed the door . Not HAPPY :(