Well the VIC check was done on the mondeo on the 13th of Jan, she passed no problem. Cool. The drive home was rather noisy. Anyway the car was laid up until the end of the month for the TAX.
In the meantime I found a water leak from the cabin air intake, that was duely sorted.
The first proper drive was OK, but the exhaust was blowing badly and banging on the bodywork. The loud noise was still there.. I took off the CAT replacement pipe and reworked it, that solved the exhuast. But the loud noise was still there, and the battry was shafted too!
After about 100 miles driveing ( replaced the battery by now ) it was suspected that the front passenger wheel bearing was shot. So the garage replaced that. ( well they put a second hand hub on as the old one was U/S )
I have also fitted a better leather wheel as the old one was missing the top bit of leather.
Now that everything is sorted it's running well, driving well. Just needs the bonnet and bumper spraying now.
The Golf has been moved of the neigbours drive and has been run up to temperature a couple of times. Water was found under and ontop of the carpets so drying out has started.
Work started on the scorpio too, the front shock was replaced ( snapped spring ) and the drivers side cat is off in order to reseal it. Unfortunatly the studs on the center box are both damaged so its taking longer than planned.
Nothing has happend on the Sapphire.
The Sierra got a new battery as it was causing trouble, it needs a better alternator which I am waiting to arrive!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
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