After experimenting with estate cars and finding they barely met the needs of the wifes perception of holiday luggage, and the realisation that a 24v mondeo was not ideal general transport I decide to look for a People carrier.
A specific modle MK2 2.3 Ghia ( preferably not in silver ) was the goal, Impending dreadful tax laws made the ideal car a pre march 01 modle. but with them ony being introduced in August 2000 this limited the options.
Eventualy something had to give, and I am having to bite the tax bullet.
The new car is an 02 in Dark blue with under 55k on the clock.
Seems quite good!
faults so far are.
Cruise inoperative
Interior lights inoperative
Parking sensors inoperative
Glovebox hinge broken
Radio code not in.
It had no history but at £2350 it's not a big worry.
I am getting ready to sell the GT, am almost finished breaking the Granada and then the scorpio is getting broken too.