I had initiated this meet up of fellow owners, but somehow had to travel the furthest to get there!! Anyway it was at the scotish meuseum of flight at East Fortune Air Base, Near Edinburgh.
5 cars made the trip. (3 x 24V) (1 x 12v ) ( 1 2.3 DOHC )
We had a good chat, and a look round the air meauseum and generaly had a good day.
We did a bit of fiddeling with cars, My indicators packed up so we spent some time sorting them. And Tintin's 24V had been put back together very wrongly in terms of it's vacume hoses.. So we started to sort that out..
My car is 4th from left in the photo, and you can see how low it sits on the wrong tyres...
A Grand day out... next time.. KESWICK...