Initialy I was going to purchase just the engine from this car.
But then, I said to the wife...
"I have bought another engine, it's comming with a few other spare parts too!" AHHEMMMM
This 1983 XR4i had been converted to 2.9 TwinTurbo ( I wanted just the engine realy ). Unfortunatly the standard XR4i Type 9 gearbox was not up to the task and had blown up.
The car looked great, the interior was super and the body looked fairly good and it sounded AWESOM... However Shortly before delivery, I had made up my mind to forget teh TwinTurbo route for my project and instead had a 24V engine winging it's way to me..
I found a buyer for the Turbo engine, hauled it out and sent it on it's merry way to Luke..
The 24V engine came with a cheap 12V too... That found it's way into the 4i and I had a running Driveable 4i :) cool...
The Blue twincam was sold, and the 4i was pressed into service, just a week or so before my Son was born.
One thing I forgot was the gearbox top cover, I had been told it would be an idea to inspect the box before fitting, but I forgot to do up the top cover bolts...... Fortunatly no damage was done.
Then on the way to visit the newborne the oil light started to flicker..... OH F....
The car was taken off the road, the new Black 4x4 bought....
I finaly sold the car to a M8 ( TAPS ) for £40 excluding the wheels... he's converting it to 24V THUNDER SALOON replica.
Unfortunatly the car appears to have hidden it's rot well, and Tpas is finding more than either of us envisaged! Still it's got a great interior, and is relativly solid.
So my 4i foray was over.