quite a lot of hunting was done, looking at cars that were either too expensive or heaps.
Me an Ian Till decided a trip into the big smoke ( London) was called for to look at a few cars.
First on the list was a Galaxy Blue 1.8GL ( 1987 ). The car looked ok, drove reasonably well, looked like it had done more miles than it said but overall it was not bad for the money... We took it for a test drive leaving Ian's car, keys and most importantly my money under the seat!!!!
After that we took a trip across town and looked at a 1.8LX in a light metalik blue. It was quit smart looking, but ahd had an accident repair. Unfortunatly it drove like crap and the vendor looked a bit shifty....
Then it was a trip further across town, we were going to see a Red 2.0LX. It looked reasonable although it had had a partial respray and the kids had scrawled on the door cards. But it was the one to have..... Untill we found that the V5 was in the post!!!
So it was back across town to haggle for Erika, the Galaxy Blue Sapphy.... £1400 later she was mine...
The car was in use from Nov 94 Till early 1999 when it was taken off the road and subjected to 7yrs restoration and modification.
Over the years on the road it got various upgrades ( 14" wheels then alloys ) Electric windows, better seats, colour bumpers with fogs, etc..